Cecilia Growing Day by Day


Felicity Growing Day by Day


Saturday, December 31, 2005

35 1/2 Weeks!

Well, our 35 week appt. went well. The baby's heartrate was a steady and healthy 147. The doctor said she believed the baby to be in a head down position, which is good, and which also is consistent with the baby's movements and kicks. Most movements seem to be polar with squirms and rolling motions in the lower abdomen and soccer kicks to the ribs. The baby also seems to like to kick the cat when she is laying on Katherine's tummy purring - we figure it wakes him or her up.

We have washed all the baby clothes and organized them to be ready for use. We are also all packed for the hospital. We plan on washing the crib bedding soon so it too is ready. We took our half-day childbirth class. We are also already pre-registered at the hospital. Our next doctors appt. is January 13th, and then once a week after that. Oh, and since there was some confusion on the pastor's part concerning our baptism class, we re-scheduled it for the evening of January 3. We also are narrowing down name choices as well as baptism dates.

Needless to say, we are both very anxious and ready for the little one to arrive. We hope everybody had a great Christmas, and we hope you have a joyous New Year!

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