Cecilia Growing Day by Day


Felicity Growing Day by Day


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Cecilia's Baptism

It is hard to believe that Cecilia is going to be baptized in just a week and a half. For those who do not know, Cecilia will be baptized on the afternoon of Easter Sunday, April 16th. Besides being the beginning of the Paschal season, April 16th is also the Feast of St. Bernadette, one of Cecilia's patron saints. Coincidentally, we were also reminded recently that this date also happens to be Pope Benedict XVI's birthday. To top off the special occasion, Cecilia will be baptized at our local parish, St. Bernadette's.

Katherine and I are looking forward to that beautiful and special day. With those new waters of Baptism and the new Paschal candle of 2006, I can not think of a more fitting way to enter the faith of the Catholic Church. The last thing that really needs to be accomplished before next weekend is finding a baptismal gown for Cecilia. That should be fun.

Keep us and Cecilia's godparents in your prayers as we move forward to her baptism on that festive Easter Sunday.

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