Cecilia Growing Day by Day


Felicity Growing Day by Day


Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Cecilia is 14 weeks and 3 days old. Around her 9th week, we noticed she had begun drooling more and seemed to love sucking on her lower lip. Over the course of the last 5 weeks her drooling has continued to increase. We now keep a bib on her all day until we go to bed to catch the drool. It is so much easier to change bibs than whole outfits. She does a good job soaking those bibs as well. By last Sunday we knew the teething had stepped it up a notch. Her usual multi-hour naps became half hour cat naps with her waking up crying. She was fussy all day. Monday seemed to improve a bit and yesterday she tried to catch up with her napping only to have her nights get worse. Last night she got me up almost every hour. When she did this before, she would fuss a while before getting really upset which would give me time to calm her and keep her from really waking up. But last night if I wasn't right on top of everything she would just start crying. Also within the last week we can feel swelling and ridges protruding on the front of her upper gums. When she lets us lift her lip and look we can easily see white just under the surface. Being our first child, I have no idea how long it will be before we finally have the eruption of those two front teeth but I hope it isn't too long as they seem to be getting closer and closer as she gets fussier and fussier.

We will certainly keep you posted when we see some teeth.

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