Cecilia Growing Day by Day


Felicity Growing Day by Day


Monday, March 03, 2008

Felicity's New Challenge

Felicity is about 3 1/2 months old. But for about two weeks now she has been gumming like crazy on her fingers and fists. She has been increasingly drooling as well. And last night she had one of her big squeegies (as we call them) but this one was green.

Conclusion: My baby is teething already!!!

So in addition to getting her sleeping schedule down and mastering head control and learning how to push herself up off her tummy, she has gums full of frenzy that sometimes wake her up and night and sometimes give her so much pain as for her to just scream with tears pouring down her cheeks. Poor thing. Within her first 6 weeks outside the womb she had two colds. Now, three months out, she is teething. It is a difficult world.

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