Cecilia Growing Day by Day


Felicity Growing Day by Day


Friday, September 01, 2006

Trolls and Bananas!

First let me apologize to any of our readers who saw the comment posted at 9:42 this morning. It was removed at 11am so not many people saw it, but please disregard it. It was a poster upset at me for a comment I made on another person's blog and was completely inappropriate and rude. However, due to this troll, we have now enabled comment moderator on this website so any comments will have to be accepted by James or myself to appear on the site.

Well, Cecilia, though now 7 months, had her "6 month" doctor appointment today. She was kindof tired and cranky but it went well. She looked very healthy and got her shots like a champ! Her doctor also gave her the okay to start eating real food: chopped small and well cooked carrots, peas, bananas, pasta, etc. So Hopefully within the next couple of weeks we can open up Cecilia's world wide when it comes to food.

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